Tuesday 14 June 2016

Recipe for make Corn Bakwan

Recipe for make corn Bakwan
     This time i will share some tips about how to make a bakwan corn. before discuss about how to make a bakwan, Such as making other indonesia recipes food,another thing to note is materials to be used. in this case, selection of corn should really be considered. used good quality sweet corn,
     Besides tasty and tasteful, bakwan corn also contains many substances needed by the development of our health. such as vitamin B complex, high fiber, high protein, electrolyte, antioksidant and others.
Oke,Now we see, how to a make and what materials are needed ?

     Materials and seasoning to make corn bakwan 
  1.  Good quality sweet corn 5 pieces, select a large size and fruit corn flat.
  2.  Wheat flour having a protein content 4 tablespoons.
  3.  Medium size red onion 1 pieces, flake off oninon skin until smooth.
  4.  Candleberry tree 1 pieces, mashed seasoning to make corn bakwan.
  5.  Medium size white onion 1 pieces, flake off oninon skin until smooth.
  6.  Medium size red pepper 3-4 pieces (Depending on taste). mashed and cut the rough for make a  seasoning.
  7.  Coriader more or less 1/4 tablespoons, mashed for seasoning.
  8.  Medium size chiken eggs 1 pieces.
  9.  Fresh shrimp as much as 100 grams, peeling skin, clean up and cut suit one's taste.
  10.  leeks nice and fresh 1 stick, wash and cut into thin strips. 
  11.  If you want, you can add celery, clean wash and cut into thin strips to mix the dough bakwan.
  12.  Salt and cooking oil to taste. 

                          How to make a corn Bakwan
  1.  Is actually very easy way to make a corn bakwan.
  2.  First, after the corn husk discarded, separate pieces of  corn from stem.
  3.  mash until smooth it flat.
  4.  Enter red & white onion finely, celery leaves (if use), coriander finely, Shrimp meat and pecan smoothed.
  5.  Stir and mix teh dough with refined corn until all blended.
  6.  Enter flour and mix again until all the dough is well blended.
  7.  With salt to taste, and mix again until all the dough is well blended .
  8.  Break the eggs and put into the batter, stir and mix again untill all parts is blended.
  9.  Preparing a flying, and put some oil to taste, grab the dough to taste and fry over low heat

     What do you think ? was very simple and practical how to make a corn bakwan we just need the longest tim 30  minutes. for make a corn bakwan with family at home.These food can make snacks or eaten with rice
     Thus tips and trick from me, maybe a refrence to you recipes at home.

Monday 13 June 2016

How to make a rawon

      Rawon Recipe (Traditional East Java Beef Soup)

    Rawon is a Speciality from east java. if you a visit to indonesia,don't forget to try the food this one. this food very famous in Indonesia. rawon itself has been know since the Dutch colonization in Indonesia. Rawon antiquity is food for the Dutch nobility but now had menhadi heritage foods commonly consumed every day. beef black soup originated from Surabaya, Indonesia. It uses black nuts (buah keluak). as the main spice which gives the strong nutty flavor and dark color to the soup. 
    Typical characteristics of Rawon is
color, black beef sup have a dark color. Rawon mostly served with white rice. then with some additional as small sprout, shrimp crackers, leek. no more mistakes, this is my favorite food. 

    Rawon typical recipe you can make yourself
  at Home, to prepare materials.
like what ? see the recipe and making materials below.

Rawon recipe

            Materials                                         Size
  • Beef                                              500  grams
  • Water                                              3    liter
  • Leeks than have been cut               2    stalk
  • Oil for frying                                   5    spoon
  • Lemon grass                                  1    stick
  • Galangal                                         1   thumb
  • Lime leaves                                    3    sheet

Smooth seasoning

         Materials                                         Size

  • Black nuts (keluak)                          2   pieces
  • Red onion                                       7   items
  • White onion                                    3   items
  • Turmeric                                         2   centimeters
  • Ginger                                            2   centimeters
  • Coriander powder                           1   teaspoon
  • Pepper                                          1/2  teaspoon
  • Salt                                                 2   teaspoon
  • Sugar                                              2   teaspoon

     Now, how and step by step to make Black beef soup. how just a view steps for get a tasty and delicious rawon.
Follow the steps below :
How to make Rawon

  1. The first step is to make a rawon boil the meat first until cooked and soft. then, lift and cut into   sections small part. 
  2. Make seasoning and sauteing with materials galangal, lemon grass, lime leaves stir-fry until fragrant and ripe withered.
  3. The next stage, insert a small meat that has been cut put in stir-fly until the spices really  permeated.
  4. Followed then sauteed with bacon into the stew broth.
  5. Let a few minutes, Use a small fire to cook. untill all become really cook.
  6. And rawon ready to be served

Recipe that you create can be served with a white rice, Rawon recipe can be for you culinary collection. How to make not so difficult, so you can try it at home wiht family.

okay, so and so much this time about how to make rawon, may be useful and be you reference.